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Chakra Meditation

16th June-18:00-19:00

Vayu Yoga Raum

Oranienburger Str 27, 10117

A powerful meditation designed to balance the functioning of the 7 Chakras that influence the physical and emotional body. You will leave feeling centred and energised!

Fees: €10

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Chakra Meditation 7th July

18:00- 19:00

Vayu Yogaraum Im Kunstof 

Oranienburger Str 27, 10117

Learn about the 7 chakras and the effect they have on your mind & body, and then participate in a powerful meditation technique to help bring them to a state of balance.

Fees: €10

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Chakra Meditation 16th March 2023

9:00- 10:00AM

Raum für Yoga

Chauseestrasse 17, 10115

Berlin Mitte

Learn about the 7 chakras and the effect they have on your mind & body, and then participate in a powerful meditation technique to help bring them to a state of balance. You will leave feeling centred and rejuvenated!

Followed by tea. 

Fees: €20

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